Friday, 30 August 2013

Mr. Henry Middleton

I remember two months back (was it? Eh, who cares!) that a guy called and referred me as Mr. Middleton. Mr. Middleton? 

My thought exactly. But then I went Google-ing and found out who was it. Bless the Lord for giving human inspiration to create the world wide web services, for easier access to all roaming data. 

Anyway, after a few seconds, I found out who Mr. Middleton was. He was Mr. Henry Middleton, a character in the Malaysian mini series of "Oh My English!"

He's a UK guy who came to SMK Ayer to teach English. Well, after finding out about who he was, I finally understood why that guy called me Mr. Middleton. It was because every time he makes a grammatical mistake of any English-related error when we talk/chat, I would correct him. After so many time correcting him, he finally started to call me Mr. Middleton.

Well, to be honest, I never watched the series before. Despite the fact that I do LOVE Adibah Noor, and all of her acting, I just can't stand to watch the series because of the so-called "students" actors & actresses. So.... eeeekkk!!! *shivering* Barf-worthy.

Bu hey, I'm, flattered that he said despite having the same thing about Mr. Middleton that I know English well, he also said that I'm also as attractive as Henry was. Huh, puh-leaze! My jaw practically dropped when I heard that. Me, good looking?! Hahahahaha. But I know what you all are thinking, it's this :