Saturday, 31 August 2013

Happy Merdeka Day the 56th

Honestly, we don't deserve it. 
Because :

So, Happy Merdeka y'all!

Friday, 30 August 2013

Mr. Henry Middleton

I remember two months back (was it? Eh, who cares!) that a guy called and referred me as Mr. Middleton. Mr. Middleton? 

My thought exactly. But then I went Google-ing and found out who was it. Bless the Lord for giving human inspiration to create the world wide web services, for easier access to all roaming data. 

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Movie Review : We're The Millers

"Right.... another predictable pretend family sitcom. As if we haven't seen enough." That was my first thought when I heard about this movie. So, what is going to be different about this movie that isn't out there already, I ask. Drug-dealing... oppss wait, it's drug-smuggling. There's a difference, as David Burke/Jason Sudeikis would emphasize in the movie. Yeah right. But clearly I was wrong for that crude first impression as 'We're the Millers' knocked me off my seats with insane comedy.

David Burke (Jason Sudeikis) is a small-time pot dealer whose clientele includes chefs and soccer moms, but no kids-after all, he has his scruples. So what could go wrong? Plenty. Preferring to keep a low profile for obvious reasons, he learns the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished when he tries to help out some local teens and winds up getting jumped by a trio of gutter punks. Stealing his stash and his cash, they leave him in major debt to his supplier, Brad (Ed Helms). In order towipe the slate clean-and maintain a clean bill of health-David must now become a big-time drug smuggler by bringing Brad's latest shipment in from Mexico. Twisting the arms of his neighbors, cynical stripper Rose (Jennifer Aniston) and wannabe customer Kenny (Will Poulter), and the tatted-and-pierced streetwise teen Casey (Emma Roberts), he devises a foolproof plan. One fake wife, two pretend kids and a huge, shiny RV later, the "Millers" are headed south of the border for a Fourth of July weekend that is sure to end with a bang.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Wordless Wednesday : Miley Cyrus twerking at VMA

OH EM GEE......!!!!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Movie Review : Kick Ass 2


Okay, I'm being silly here. Hahahaha. But I think I'm in love with Hit Girl. Besides the fact that I actually adore the actress herself,  Chloe Grace Moretz. She's an amazing actress, and I've watched almost all of the movies that she starred in, back from Big Momma's House 2 (2006) to the recent Movie 43 (2013). Well, the character she was playing, Mindy Macready/Hit Girl is also an amazing character. Who doesn't love a girl who is fun, lovely and yet sarcastically delivers foul-mouthed and crude jokes all the time while still knows how to gracefully kick ass?! But our topic today is not just about Hit Girl, it's about Kick Ass 2 movie. Yeay, another amateur movie review! *Scoffs!*

Kick-Ass, Hit Girl and Red Mist return for the follow-up to 2010’s irreverent global hit: ‘Kick-Ass 2.’ After Kick-Ass’ (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) insane bravery inspires a new wave of self-made masked crusaders, led by the badass Colonel Stars and Stripes (Jim Carrey), our hero joins them on patrol. When these amateur superheroes are hunted down by Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse)—reborn as The Mother F%&*^r—only the blade-wielding Hit Girl (Chloë Grace Moretz) can prevent their annihilation. When we last saw junior assassin Hit Girl and young vigilante Kick-Ass, they were trying to live as normal teenagers Mindy and Dave. With graduation looming and uncertain what to do, Dave decides to start the world’s first superhero team with Mindy.

Unfortunately, when Mindy is busted for sneaking out as Hit Girl, she’s forced to retire—leaving her to navigate the terrifying world of high-school mean girls on her own. With no one left to turn to, Dave joins forces with Justice Forever, run by a born-again ex-mobster named Colonel Stars and Stripes. Just as they start to make a real difference on the streets, the world’s first super villain, The Mother F%&*^r, assembles his own evil league and puts a plan in motion to make Kick-Ass and Hit Girl pay for what they did to his dad. But there’s only one problem with his scheme: If you mess with one member of Justice Forever, you mess with them all.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Dear PC : I'm bored!!!!

Can't access Youtube and Twitter at the moment. I don't whether it's the server problem, or my pc problem. Oh damn!!!!! I'm so bored, I want to watch cooking channels on Youtube or Gaming vids to pass the time. This is killing me!!!! WhY?!!!!!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Book Review : Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James

This time around I managed to finish reading the first of the three books in Fifty Shades Trilogy in just about a week. I covered about half of the book during the first weekend of Raya when we went to visit to a lot of the family and relatives's houses, in which I spent reading the book instead of socializing. I never really liked my mother's side of the family in the first place. So, I finally managed to finish the first book last Saturday, while getting my hair cut. *new haircut... yeay* Okay, let's not waste any more time, on to the review.


When literature student Anastasia Steele goes to interview young entrepreneur Christian Grey, she encounters a man who is beautiful, brilliant, and intimidating. The unworldly, innocent Ana is startled to realize she wants this man and, despite his enigmatic reserve, finds she is desperate to get close to him. Unable to resist Ana’s quiet beauty, wit, and independent spirit, Grey admits he wants her, too—but on his own terms.

Shocked yet thrilled by Grey’s singular erotic tastes, Ana hesitates. For all the trappings of success—his multinational businesses, his vast wealth, his loving family—Grey is a man tormented by demons and consumed by the need to control. When the couple embarks on a daring, passionately physical affair, Ana discovers Christian Grey’s secrets and explores her own dark desires.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

The Wheel of Fortune

Shuffle the cards
as the read upon my thread
seams, weaved by the fates
Oh, what frightening divination
For I sit upon the Wheel of Fortune.

Gaily alive and jubilant 
Lady Luck smiles,
at times the wheel rolls skyward.
In twinge of misery
shadowed by Death
as the wheels rolls downward.

Mercurial and fickle
my erratic wheel of fortune
But I can no longer stand strong
in this spasmodic nature.

In heat and cold,
I live in desultory
For I sit upon, the wheel of fortune.

*Illustrations drawn by Rann | Facebook | Twitter | Deviantart |* I do not own this picture, credit goes to her.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Dumb Blondes : Overrated

Okay, I know that this really isn't in my line of ....uhhh wait. What is the borderline in what I wrote. I don't seem to recall any boundary to any racial slander or indecent language or whatever. So, what the heck. But don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to oversell the idea that blondes are dumb, but merely just stating that saying blonde woman who are dumb is overrated. Like what Onision | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube | said in his UhOhBro youtube channel video titled Dumb Blondes, it's all about the difference between intelligence and education.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Book Review : True Love (and Other Lies) by Whitney Gaskell

It actually longer for me to finish reading this book because of all the distractions from playing console games and finishing marathons of series on my laptop. But after all those had past, I was finally able to complete reading this book. 


Travel writer Claire Spencer doesn't believe in fate, much less any part of that fairy tale, happy ending, love at first sight stuff. Especially not for Amazon-sized women like her. So when Jack, the sexy man who sits next to her on a flight from New York to London, asks her out, Claire figures there has to be a catch. Is he blind? Sleazy? On the rebound? But she decides to accept, and finds herself smitten and a little frightened at how happy she is with how fast things are moving.

While in London (on assignment for Sassy Seniors! magazine), Claire is also looking forward to seeing her best friend, Maddy, one of those impossibly gorgeous, if-I-didn't-love-her-I'd-hate-her women who's got everything in the world going for her--except that, for the first time in her trouble-free life, Maddy has just been Jack. Claire's finally met what seems to be the perfect guy, and now the only way she can have him is by betraying her best friend. It's almost enough to make Claire believe in Fate, but if Fate does exist, it seems intent on screwing her over.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Wordless Wednesday : Saints Row IV

Already came out yesterday!

Can't wait to go buy it after work today!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Movie Review : The Purge

I guess deep down, we all wished that we could reach for that blunt weapon and hit, smack the person you hate so damn much and pound them into oblivion if we could without having to suffer any consequences or legal issues. Introducing the The Purge.


The Purge is a 2013 American science fiction thriller film directed and written by James DeMonaco. Starring Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey, the film is set in the year 2022 when the United States have become "a nation reborn", with crime and unemployment rates hitting an all-time low, due to the government having instituted an annual 12-hour period called "the Purge" during which all criminal activity (including murdertheftrape, etc.) becomes legal. The only rules during the Purge are that government officials of "ranking 10 or higher" must remain unharmed and usage of weaponry above "Class 4" (such as WMDs) is forbidden. The Purge is designed to act as a catharsis for the American people, so that they may vent all negative emotions however they desire.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Monday Blues : Mask Therapy

Well, this isn't really a Monday-blues-kind of post but it applies to a lot of other situation though. Hahaha. But this is one of the methods that I just love to do when I stressed, needed to relax, or to help me ease into sleep. On the plus side, it moisturises your skin and soften them too. Despite looking like a pale-face monster. Hahahahaha.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

The Smurfs Premier Screening @ TGV One Utama

I know this is kind of a very late post but I don't want to waste these cute cam-whoring selfies which I took with Odie, a friend of mine who is also a blogger. You can check out her blog here at If You Seek Odie. So, I have to thank Nuffnang so very much for the invites to the Premiere Screening of The Smurfs 2 : Nice Gets Naughty. Since somewhere in the previous years, I also received the invitation for the first Smurfs movie by Nuffnang, I felt somehow lucky that I was again selected for the second installment of Smurfs screening too. Thank you, Nuffnang.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Final Fantasy XV

Friday, 16 August 2013

Maleficent : Motion Picture 2014

There's a certain allure to the Mistress of All Evil. Her regal demeanour, her elegantly fluid movements, her refined speech, and that surprisingly exotic beautiful face. Despite actually being a faerie, Maleficent is really one of the best villain characters that Disney had came up with and ultimately reached the first place in Ultimate Disney's Villain countdown. Creator of Maleficent, Mark Davis decided to dis the image of hags and witches in the making and opted for a more majestic, elegant yet sinister green-skinned beauty, a portmanteau of magnificent and malevolent.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Catching Up After Raya

Hey y'all. It's been a week already since Eid Mubarak. And like what I promised, I'm back. Well, back to normal blogging mode of course. Meaning long, winding, nonsensical ranting that seemed useless awaits for your reading pleasure. Don't you just love it that I love to torture all of you with my not-so-great and informative blog entries? That is if I have loyal readers. Do I have any? Hello, is anybody out there? Sometimes I think that I've been blogging for a long time already and yet I have no loyal readers at all. Just strangers passing by, or someone who mistakenly clicked my blog url while trying to search for something much more useful.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Happy Eid ul-Fitr 2013

Okay, I know, this is so not a practical way to celebrate Eid, but this is going to be a short one. Not going to take a lot of your time at all.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Wordless Wednesday : Esok Raya


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

The Smurfs 2 : Movie Review

La la,
la la la la
la la la la .....

Make way for the second installment of the blue dudes, The Smurfs 2 : Nice Get Naughty. When Gargamel first created Smurfette, it was to bring disruption to these cute-midget-like blue forest dwellers but it backfired when the Smurfs able to bring goodness into her and re-created her into a real Smurf, as blue and as jolly. Moving on to the current timeline however, Gargamel finally had his break in Paris when he became a star attraction by demonstrating his sorcery. However, as his magic which runs on the power of the Smurf essence was depleting, he needed to secure more.

In order to make it happen, he created the Naughties; Vexy and Hackus to kidnap Smurfette as a hostage to get Papa Smurf to release the secret formula on creating Smurfs. With his new creations, he managed to capture Smurfette and in a lot of twist-and-turns, finally able to get the secret formula from Smurfette herself. And a whole lot of big-bang-boom went after that. I'm not going to write you a summary just providing you guys the back-up information. Hehehe.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Monday Blues : After Gamer's Retreat

Good gracious. Four days of my gamer's retreat has gone away in a blink and it is now Monday again. Not saying that I hate working. Well, who loves them, honestly? However there are those people that just love to work. Me, I find myself having not enough time to enjoy my hobbies because I had to work. But hey, if I don't work, how am I supposed to support myself? Do tell!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Lana Del Rey

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant or more recognized by her stage name, Lana Del Rey is a sexy vixen with the most enchanting voice that you might ever hear in your lifetime. Soft and husky, strong and mellow, all at the same time. And her songs are just simply amazing. I've started listening to her song after the exposure of her song titled 'Young And Beautiful' from the film 'The Great Gatsby'.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Relationship Status : Gaily Single

I've been delaying this post for quite some time now. I had the revelation or some kind of self-realization moment for a month and a half already. Before that period, I was so wrapped up in the 'leading a double-life' period and pursuing that 'other' life, companionship and all that shit. But, that one month and a half earlier, I've finally stopped pegging all my hopes up and just let it all go. 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Ramadhan Fasting : Tips?!

Wash your faces dear Muslim friends! I know that we are in our fasting month and most of you already looking like some kind of wilted veggies! I may not be able to see you or be psychic enough to tell, but I know you all are. The exhaustion, the chapped lips, the lifeless skin, the dry voice, and so on (I could go on, but that would depresses me too..).